1. What is Poetry
  2. Subjective Poetry
  3. Objective Poetry

1. What is Poetry :

Poetry is a kind of literature in which imagination, emotion and fancy predominates. It is generally in verse form. Metre, rhythm, rhyme and measure are the attributes of poetry though all of them need not be present in every poem. 

People's definition and their ideas about poem are different from each other. Dr. Johnson calls poetry a 'metrical composition' and points out four elements of poetry - pleasure, truth, imagination and reason. It is defined by another critic as the art of employing words to produce an illusion on the imagination. For Carlyle poetry was 'musical thought' and for Shelley, 'the expression of imagination'. Coleridge thought poetry was the antithesis of science and Wordsworth claimed it as 'the breath and finer spirit of knowledge'. Edgar Allen Poe calls it 'the rhythmic creation of beauty' while T.S. Eliot calls poetry 'the vehicle of feeling' and insist that 'poetry has to give pleasure'. And for me poetry is just the poet's feelings, thoughts, emotion and truth put together. So only when these qualities are embodied in a proper form of expression it is poetry. Thus poetry is an interpretation of life through imagination and feeling.

2. Subjective Poetry : 

  • Subjective poetry or Personal poetry is the poetry of self-delineation and self-expression.
  • In this kind of poetry, we find mostly about the feelings and thoughts of the poet written in a lyrical manner. 
  • An example of subjective poetry is the famous poem of Wordsworth, "The Solitary Reaper" .
  • The poet views the subject from within and gives expression to his innermost feelings and emotions. 
  • The focus of attention in subjective poetry is the poet himself. 
  • The essence of subjective poetry is the personality of the poet. 
  • However even in subjective poetry sometimes objective elements may be found.

3. Objective Poetry :

  • Objective poetry is the poetry that expresses the world outside the poet.
  • In this kind of poetry the poet goes out of himself, mingles with the action and passion of the world and expresses what he observes there. 
  • This is the older type of poetry than the subjective poetry.
  • In fact, poetry began as expression of the feelings and thoughts of a group or a clan. Subjectivism came only later.
  • The communal ballad, the epic and the drama were the earliest forms of objective poetry. 
  •  In this kind of poetry the personality of the poet is rarely revealed. The experience of the eye and ear are given more importance than those of the mind and soul. 


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