Restoration England and its Comedy of Manners


  1. Comedy of Manners
  2. Impact of Comedy of Manners

Comedy of Manners is a style of dramatic comedy that reflects the life and manners of the upper class society. It depicts the relations and intrigues of men and women belonging to polished sections of society. 

According to Dr. Tracey Sanders, "Main characters of the restoration comedy of manners include a flamboyant display of witty, blunt sexual dialogue, bedroom intrigues, sensual hints and flashy behavior."

Restoration comedy of manners was influenced by Ben Johnson's comedy of humors. Deriving inspiration from his comedies, the 'Comedy of Manners' takes a completely new coloration combining a humor and a critical trait that the English theatre had never known before. 

English audiences, who were starved of entertainment during the Puritan regime, demanded a new style of drama, which was free of sexual restraints and moral seriousness. Also, the carefree lifestyle of Charles II and his court influenced this style of comedy. Main dramatists who practiced this form of comedy are William Congreve, George Etherege, Wycherley and Aphra Behn.

Court of Charles II

The theatres which were closed in 1642, were opened during the restoration. They became the riotous haunt of the upper classes. Consequently, the plays written for the play houses were distinctly calculated by the authors to appeal to a country and Cavalier audience. This explains the development of Comedy of Manners, which portrayed the sophisticated life of the dominant class of society - its gaiety, foppery, insolence and intrigue.


  • Restoration comedy held a mirror to the high society of the Restoration Age. It depicted a society in full transition, a society in which the bourgeoisie take an increasing role and women a newfound liberty. 
  • Most of the comedy writers relished the presentation of scenes and acts suggestive or even clearly indicative of sexual licentiousness.
  • The comic dialogue was bristling with vulgar nuances. 
  • Due to its sexual frankness and openness, Restoration comedy of manners has also been criticized for being immoral.   


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